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Individual Statistics


Rank: Lieutenant
Position: Chief Science Officer
Age: 42
Species: Bolian
Gender: Male
Place of Birth: Cytheria, Bolarus IX
Height: 1.82 meters
Weight: 82 kg
Hair: n/a
Eyes: Amber

Personnel Profile

Hranok's previous assignment indicated he took his job seriously while on duty, but was also an open-minded, curious and friendly person. He often worked as a bartender while off-duty and enjoyed socializing with his crew mates. After Hranok reported aboard Republic at Starbase 39 Sierra, he took up the duties of Chief Science Officer, and accompanied the away team on the mission to Sigma Omicron V. During that mission, it turned out that the Bolian was actually an impostor named Evok, who was sent by the Orion syndicate to kill a member of the Republic senior staff. As it turns out, Hranok was an assumed identity expertly planted in the Starfleet personnel database, and Evok was taken into custody. He committed suicide before he could be put on trial for impersonating a Starfleet Officer and conspiracy to commit murder.

personnel/hranok.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/27 18:36 by site_admin