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archives:with_justice_for_none [2020/10/03 02:38] cromwellarchives:with_justice_for_none [2020/10/03 02:40] cromwell
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 <BOOKMARK:Chapter33> <BOOKMARK:Chapter33>
 <fs x-large>**Chapter 33: Case Closed**</fs><wrap lo right>[[archives:with_justice_for_none#top|Top]]</wrap>\\ \\  <fs x-large>**Chapter 33: Case Closed**</fs><wrap lo right>[[archives:with_justice_for_none#top|Top]]</wrap>\\ \\ 
 +**Location: Judge Wade's chambers, Starbase 39 Sierra**
 +"You're insane!" Cole shouted. "No time? How can you possibly expect me to go for that?" The prosecutor slammed his hand against the tabletop and fumed silently as he waited for Tuvok to reply.
 +The picture of Vulcan calm, Tuvok held his hands loosely against his robes; a common gesture of contemplation or resignation. "Because the crew of Republic did not contribute in any way to the political deterioration of Cestus three. If anything, one can logically conclude that Commander Carter's actions, and that of his crew did in fact save more lives through their actions."
 +"He broke the damned law, Advocate, or have you forgotten that?" Cole shot back with hostility.
 +"Certainly not," the dark Vulcan answered. "Commander Carter admits that he broke the law by releasing footage of Captain Marshall's death, for which he will gladly accept administrative punishment. Further, his actions allowed the Federation Council to save some measure of face by allowing the loss of Cestus three to be caused by the defeat of James Marshall in ritual combat, which is in fact, legally, the case.
 +Apart from the release to the media, Carter followed the letter of every order he was given, as did those in his command. In fact, the orders that the crew did not comply with can easily be shown to be at best unadvisable, and at worst, illegal."
 +"You want me to pin the loss of one of the Federation's oldest colonies on a dead man?"
 +"Either that," Tuvok answered with ease, or we drag the name of the live man who ordered the construction and staffing of the duck blind out in open court."
 +In the corner of the room, Judge Wade watched with appreciation as Tuvok let the full weight of his rhetorical and legal prowess fall on Cole's shoulders. It seemed to the judge that Cole had not argued a case that was less than air-tight in quite some time, and it had likely been longer since he'd argued with a Vulcan.
 +Wade let out a small grin as he wondered how Cole felt now that the tables had been turned on him. 'How unnerving is it,' Wade wondered, 'to face a man who holds all the cards and knows it?'
 +"As an advocate, I am sworn to defend my clients and seek the truth, however, I am also a Starfleet officer, and sworn to defend the Federation. Public disclosure of this conspiracy to take the Gorn to war serves neither of those goals. It is enough that you and I know the truth and let history discover it later, but if you would rather not wait . . . "
 +Cole braced himself against the table with his head slumped down. He'd been picked as prosecutor of the trial to see to it that the 'Republic Eight' took the fall for the loss of Cestus three, in the wake of a botched Starfleet Intelligence operation. Now, Tuvok was offering him a deal which still kept blame away from his shadow cabinet masters, but did not let retribution fall on the 'right' necks.
 +What Cole hadn't counted on was the testimony of Douglas Forrest, Republic's shadowy Intelligence Officer, who had elected to expose more than his fair share of secrets rather than let his shipmates take the blame for circumstances they had no control over. Now Cole had to decide whether to complete his initial mission, despite the mounting odds, or serve the 'greater good' and let the full measure of the operation's failure remain hidden.
 +Cole shook his head slowly among Section 31 operatives, failure was bad, but discovery was deadly, and given a choice between the two, Cole would elect to take the smaller defeat, and live to fight another day.
 +"Fine." he eventually hissed. "Marshall takes the fall. But You give me Cromwell." Cole lifted his head and stared with predatory focus at the Vulcan.
 +"Oh?" Tuvok said with a typical raised eyebrow. "And why would I do that?"
 +"He caused an explosion! He killed hundreds, HUNDREDS of foreign nationals, and instigated his own guerilla war, complete with his own army!"
 +"A war which a rogue element in Starfleet not only anticipated, but actively encouraged."
 +"None the less," Cole continued, "While the Black Shirts might have planned it, Cromwell actually did it. And what's worse, he'd probably do it again."
 +This time, it was Tuvok who had to concede a point. While the crew of Republic did not actually engage in hostilities, let alone admit to the action. In this case, the evidence backed Cole, and Tuvok needed to decided if discretion were the better part of justice, if not valor. "What do you propose?" He asked.
 +An oily sneer crept across the prosecutor's face. He slowly brushed his pinky along his eyebrow, a gesture which by now, any observer knew was a tell of confidence. "Cromwell agrees to minimum security confinement. Might I suggest Elysium. He's old, and not in the best of health. I'll be more than happy to see that he's comfortable, but he cannot have any contact with Shadow Force."
 +Tuvok nodded, seeing the logic of Cole's position.
 +"In addition, the members of Shadow Force are guilty of being accessories to multiple counts of murder, act of war or not, and they will have to agree either to confinement, or expatriation from the Federation. If you get yours, I get mine."
 +Grimly, Tuvok nodded. It was a good deal, and one that, while distasteful on some levels, would leave the battered reputation of Starfleet, let alone the Federation intact. "I believe," he finally said, "that I can make my clients see the logic in the arrangement. In any case, I will bring the offer to my clients."
 +In the corner, Judge Wade regarded the scene. "Do we have a deal gentlemen?" he asked.
 +"I believe we might." Tuvok admitted.
 +"I can work with it Judge." said Cole.
 +"Very well then," Wade said as he stood back up, heading for the door. "Let's get this circus packed up."
 +As the trio exited Wade's chambers, headed back to the makeshift courtroom, he felt the weight of his antique gavel in his hand. "Justice isn't just blind," he whispered to himself. "I think I might have watched her die today."
 +Wade crossed into the light of the main conference room. The bailiff stood and addressed the gallery. "All rise for the Honorable Judge . . . "
 ---- ----
 <BOOKMARK:Chapter34> <BOOKMARK:Chapter34>
 <fs x-large>**Chapter 34: Hail and Farewells**</fs><wrap lo right>[[archives:with_justice_for_none#top|Top]]</wrap>\\ \\  <fs x-large>**Chapter 34: Hail and Farewells**</fs><wrap lo right>[[archives:with_justice_for_none#top|Top]]</wrap>\\ \\ 
 +**Location: Outside of conference room 6 ("Republic Eight" courtroom), Starbase 39 Sierra**
 +As people poured out of the courtroom, encountering members of the press and student protesters, everyone intermingled as they moved away from the doors to keep the exit clear. Leon was among the crowd, and moved aside to wait for his friends and family. As expected, two Starfleet bailiffs escorted a somber Arthur Cromwell through the exit causing the press to explode like a powder keg.
 +"Mister Cromwell! Mister Cromwell!" they shouted. "Do you really feel responsible for the deaths of all those colonists?"
 +"No," he muttered looking at the camera. "The Gorns invaded my home, and I fought back. That's all."
 +"What about the Gorn soldiers? Do you grieve for them and their families?"
 +"Absolutely not!" Arthur responded grouchily. "They attacked, and I fought back anyway I could."
 +"Would you do it again, Mister Cromwell?"
 +"No," he said turning away from the reporters. "I'm too damn old for this kind of thing anymore."
 +"Alright!" Leon shouted, waving the press back. "That's enough! Leave him be!"
 +The bailiffs held off the press corps while Leon and Arthur had a last moment together.
 +"Well, dad," Leon started. "I guess the outcome could have been worse. I'm glad you chose not to take this to trial. They might have come down harder on you."
 +"I know," Arthur replied. "I just wanted it to be done with. No amount of courtroom litigation or guerilla warfare will bring Janice and Ann back. There just doesn't seem to be any reason to fight the system anymore."
 +He looked back at the press as they closed in on Tuvok and Cole, badgering them for information.
 +"Besides," he added. "I'm the only one left who thinks what I did was right."
 +"Oh no," Leon replied. "There's lots of others."
 +His father looked at him with tired eyes, wondering if this would be the last time he ever sees his son.
 +"Including me," the doctor stated.
 +The two looked at one another, father and son, and without spoken words, twenty five years of animosity evaporated in the realization that all the family they had left was each another.
 +"I'll stop by to see you at first chance I get."
 +"Thanks, son," Arthur admitted.
 +"And," Leon added, "I'll write you weekly. Even if there's nothing going on."
 +"Hey!" came a shout from behind Arthur. It was Lindsey Davenport, who was leading Skip and Wey out of the courtroom. "What about us?"
 +Leon and Lindsey embraced in a tight hug as she approached.
 +"Well, that all depends," he answered, standing back to look at the other three members of Shadowforce. "Now that you're no longer Federation citizens, where are you going to go?"
 +"Back to Cestus," Skip replied, causing a look of surprise on Leon's face. "The Gorns are granting amnesty to the colonists who refused to leave with the evacuation ships. Just as long as they relocate to where the Gorns tell them to go, they'll be left alone."
 +"Aren't you afraid of retribution?" Leon asked.
 +"No," Wey replied. "The Gorns were mainly after Artie, and now that he's been sentenced and the Federation has recognized that Cestus belongs to the Gorn Hegemony, they're happy and consider the situation resolved. It's funny how their culture works -- once they get an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, they go on with their business like nothing happened. That M'Geth guy thought that way, only he never felt like the situation between him and Kirk was resolved until now. He stretched his anger over a period of a hundred years. Can you imagine?"
 +"Anyway," Skip added. "If healing is going to start on our side, it will have to start at Cestus."
 +"Well," Leon replied. "Good luck. Let me know how you're doing from time to time."
 +"We will," Lins concluded.
 +As the bailiffs escorted Arthur away, and the remaining Shadowforce members made their way to the docking level, Leon looked after them deep in thought. He could not help but wonder where each of them would be a year from now and what they would be doing. Suddenly, a voice woke him from his day-trance.
 +"Hey doc," Carter said, causing Leon to turn around and see not only him, but Hawk and Forrest as well. "Hell of a hearing, wouldn't you say?"
 +"Hearing?" Hawk repeated. "Seemed a helluva lot more like a three ring circus ta me," he said. "Not ta mention the biggest bunch of bullshit in about a decade."
 +"Dare I ask, what you're talking about?" Carter prompted.
 +"Anybody else remember a lil thing called the Maquis?" Hawk retorted. "Bunch a colonists, displaced, screwed over by the Federation n'Starfleet, decided ta stick it out n'when push came ta shove, fight back? They were right then, n'Starfleet n'the Federation couldn't see past it's own bureaucratic nose ta spite it's political face. Look what happened there? Turns out them folks was right, Cardies never wanted peace, just more war. Took the Jem'Hadar massacrin' all them so-called 'terrorists' and a lil thing called the Dominion War b'fore 'Fleet n'the Federation Council would admit they screwed up."
 +Leon looked at Nat, realizing that the helmsman had made an accurate correlation. Starfleet and the Federation had indeed made a mistake with respect to neighboring empires. Twice. And both times, a war had broken out allowing the powers that be to admit a mistake while the headlines were focused mainly on the war. Both times, the real perpetrators escaped justice.
 +"He's got a point, John," The doctor replied, just as their communicators came alive.
 +//"Republic to all personnel. Report to port-of-call. Departure in one hour. Repeat: departure in one hour."//
 +"Hey," Forrest commented. "Don't we have a starship to run?"
 +"Yes," Doctor Cromwell replied. "And unless we want to disappoint our new captain, we'd better go."
 +"Be sure to dodge the media," Carter added. "They're probably already swarming the gangway."
archives/with_justice_for_none.txt · Last modified: 2020/10/25 02:56 by site_admin